Sunday, February 2, 2025

Monthly Mystery Read

Shortly before the 2024 holidays, a meme started going around where as a "gift" someone was given 12 wrapped books from their TBR shelves, each labeled for one month of the year. Two of my sisters and I decided to do that for each other, and so far it's a lot of fun looking forward to unwrapping my new book on the first of the month to discover what it is. My January book was #VeryFatVeryBrave by Nicole Byer, which was SO good. It's also pretty short and is a photography book, so has lots of (incredible) pictures, which meant that I finished on January 1st and have been impatiently waiting for my next book reveal for the rest of the year that has been January.

And at last, yesterday was the day.

Book wrapped in brown kraft paper with "February" written along the side

At long last, the February book reveal! And the February book is...

Drumroll, please...


Grayscale background with an image of a Medusa statue, one eye open, and the word "LORE" in gold across the face of the statue

Yessssssssss, I'm so excited! I've read a time travel duology by Alexandra Bracken and really enjoyed it. This one is modern day Greek mythology, which like...what's not to love? I'm definitely looking forward to it - will report back when I finish!

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