Saturday, August 28, 2021

(A Very, Very Late) August Challenge Update

Oh, hello! Things have been very hectic with the new job, getting my feet under me, and working on the ever-evolving project that is my new domain. It's great, I love it, but I'm also...incredibly tired. 

Gif of baby sitting on couch and tipping forward as they fall asleep

So anyway...I'm sure it will come as no surprise that I remain terribly behind in my Read Harder challenge. I did finish my challenge ten books - A Phoenix First Must Burn and A Thousand Beginnings and Endings - which were both excellent, as well as my challenge eleven book, Notes from A Young Black Chef (also excellent, and he included a recipe at the end of each chapter, which I loved). I'm about a third of the way through Sway, my chosen book for challenge twelve, and while it is great, it is also d e n s e. Which means it's taking me a long time to work my way through. Still, though...interesting content!

I have not yet begun my July books (😬), but I'm sharing my choices for my August and September challenges below and crossing my fingers that I can at least get a little more caught up in September. Let this be a lesson to anyone out there who thinks being a librarian means all you do is read! Decidedly not the case.

August challenges:

15. Read a memoir by a Latinx author: So many amazing options! I chose In the Country We Love: My Family Divided by Diane Guerrero.

16. Read an own voices book about disability: Again, lots of great options. I figured maximize the number of authors I got to read and go with an anthology, so I chose Disability Visibility, edited by Alice Wong.

September challenges:

17. Read an own voices book with a Black main character that is not about Black pain: Ok, sooooo many of the options for this prompt are on my TBR list, so I should be reading more than one book that fits this prompt in the nearish future, but for the challenge I went with Love is a Revolution by Renee Watson. Looking forward to it!

18. Read a book by or about a non-Western leader: Challenging indeed! There were some solid suggestions for this prompt, and I feel like any one of them would be a good choice. After some back and forth, I decided to go with Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela.

What would you choose for each of these challenges?