Y'all...I fuckin did it. How, I'm not entirely sure? But it is done. I've got approximately ten zillion things to do in the next few days to prepare for celebratory happenings, and I need to finish one book a day to finish my total reading goal, but below are some brief thoughts on the last six books I read.
Nelson Mandela's autobiography, while incredibly long, is pretty amazing. There was so much I didn't know about the history of South Africa and the fight to end apartheid, and I just...wow. He was incredible, the people he worked with were incredible, and now I want to read a biography about Winnie, his second wife, because she sounded tough as hell.
Love is a Revolution was an ok read. I didn't love the character development, but it was still enjoyable, and it goes by super quickly, which always makes it easier for me to overlook minor complaints.
Good lord, Fifty Words for Rain was heartbreaking. Every time I thought maybe things were looking up, nope, here the plot comes to punch you in the gut again.
I am not one for poetry, and I don't know that I've ever read a book of poems before, but I enjoyed Earth Keeper. It was pretty short, and I listened to it on audio, which honestly I feel is the best way to enjoy poetry...it's like reading a play versus seeing it acted out.
Lila and Hadley was very good and made me cry a bunch.
I can't decide how I feel about The Edge of Every Day. There were parts of it I really loved and parts that I found kind of meandery or couldn't see how it connected to the overall narrative. I don't want to critique what is essentially someone's memoir...it's weird to say about someone telling their own story that the way they did it was wrong or bad...I think I just connected more with the parts about the author's mom and brother (the two family members who had schizophrenia) than I did with the parts where she was focusing more on herself.
Anyway...it is done! I kind of can't believe it. Now, who's ready for Read Harder 2022?