Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell

My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

From the cover:

"The story is supposed to be over.

Simon Snow did everything he was supposed to do. He beat the villain. He won the war. He even fell in love. Now comes the good part, right? Now comes the happily ever after…

So why can’t Simon Snow get off the couch?

What he needs, according to his best friend, is a change of scenery. He just needs to see himself in a new light…

That’s how Simon and Penny and Baz end up in a vintage convertible, tearing across the American West.

They find trouble, of course. (Dragons, vampires, skunk-headed things with shotguns.) And they get lost. They get so lost, they start to wonder whether they ever knew where they were headed in the first place…"

Oh, this book gave me feelings. So many feelings. I don't know how she does it, but the way that Rainbow Rowell manages to write serious things happening while still giving it a light-hearted feel is just...magical. It starts of by delving into Simon's struggle with depression and some pretty heart-wrenching issues with Simon and Baz's relationship, but things are serious without being super heavy. There were so many one-liners that made me literally laugh out loud, and just as many moments that had me tearing up. Penelope, Simon, and Baz were only starting to get to know each other as something other than mortal enemies when Carry On ended, and seeing them now, the way their relationships had changed...ugh. Like I said, so many feelings. I thought I loved Carry On, but I loved this so much more, and I even have a theory about what might happen in the next book. 😬😬😬

Speaking of...there's going to be a third book! Y'all! Waiting for this will be torture, but I ALREADY CANNOT WAIT. I need a release date, the sooner the better. I need a happy ending for Baz and Simon. And Bunce. And Agatha, even though she drives me bonkers. And friggin Shepard now! I love them all.

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