Friday, December 4, 2020

Caverns - Kevin O'Donnell Jr.

This week we've got a special visitor, Jacob Pearce, who has taken a break from streaming on his YouTube channel to share his thoughts on book one of The Journeys of McGill Feighan, by Kevin O'Donnell Jr., Caverns. Interested in books and video games? Visit his channel and subscribe for some great content! Now, on to the review!

Jacob's rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Back Cover Excerpt: (establishes the weirdness early)

“April 1,2083. A gastropod sent to Earth by the Far Being Retzglaran swallows McGill Feighan, age 4 days, and studies him for 71.4 hours.”

Caverns is the first in a series of four science fiction novellas about a young McGill Feighan. The series starts on day four of McGill's life and continues into his adulthood. It is interesting to watch McGill grow, but with his growth comes the growth of his problems.

As a child, McGill is viewed as an oddity due to being swallowed by a space slug. Then he learns he has the mystical abilities of a Flinger (super sciency teleportation). However, we all know the quote about power and responsibility.

With this new gift, McGill is given another societal brand. Now he is both a freak and a flinger. Not all is bad, though. Due to his abilities, he meets one of his primary role models and is given more opportunities. He makes friends and generally grows as a person.

Through all of this the book, it periodically cuts away to “the Far Being Retzglaran,” a description-less alien on a distant planet who seems to have malicious intentions for our young protagonist. Honestly, you learn very little about the FBR in the first book. It mostly just serves to create intrigue and put obstacles in McGill’s path.

As weird as this book, and the rest of the series, is I enjoy them very much. Definitely worth the confusing, tear-jerking read.

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