Sunday, March 26, 2023

March Read Harder update

This month, not very exciting. Nothing really to update on...except that I accidentally came across a webcomic to read whilst searching for book recommendations for my niece - Ice Massacre by Tiana Warner. Very good!

Next month, whew. Challenges seven and eight, such tough decisions!


Challenge 7: Read an audiobook written by and read by a person of color

This is SO BROAD, how do you even narrow it down?! Well, I narrowed it down by opening my online TBR list (just shy of 1,000 books) and scrolling down until a title jumped out at me and I looked into it more to decide if a. it met the brief and b. I was feeling it for April. The book I landed on? Finding Me by Viola Davis. Viola Davis's memoir, read by Viola Davis? Yes, please! I'm excited! And I'll be honest with you, I'm actually writing this blog post at the very beginning of March, and I will probably read this immediately, so...pretend I haven't read it yet when this is actually posted.

Challenge 8: Read a graphic novel, comic, or manga; if you read these formats already, read one of a different genre than those you normally read

Yuuurgh jeez, again so broad! I don't even know how to narrow this one down, I don't know how many graphic novels, comics, or manga I have on my TBR. I suppose it's time to find out. (Okay, answer: 27. This is going to be a difficult choice.)

Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts...

Gender Queer...


Ahhhhhh, I can't choose! I don't know how I even narrowed it down to these three, there are so many great options. Maybe I'll read all three of these. Maybe I'll read my WHOLE LIST of graphic novels, comics, and manga TBR. Someone help me choose!


  1. Gender Queer was great! So was Borders! And both very quick reads.

    1. I just finished Wake, so I'll be working on Gender Queer and Borders in April for sure!
