Sunday, September 29, 2024

Reading isn't the only thing that's hard in September

(Unintended entendre)

Yo yo yo, coming at you live in September, feeling so ready for October break! I am TIRED, y'all, and I tell you what, it isn't the students that make working at an elementary school exhausting, it's the fucking DUMB ASS ADULTS. Don't get me wrong, most of my coworkers are incredible, but the ones that aren't...whew.

Anyway, we don't need to get into the handful of dummies I work with. Instead, let's talk about Property of the Rebel Librarian. It was good! I've got a review on it coming out next week and don't really need to get into specifics here, so I'll just say it took me like...three hours to read? I couldn't put it down.

Thoughts about Maame...It came up on a list of under the radar books, but it says on the cover it was a NYT Bestseller, so I don't know how true that is. Either way, though, GOD, such an incredible book. It was so heartfelt and emotional, and I didn't want to stop reading. At one point, several characters are discussing a book they read and the main character says she liked it so much that she stopped on the last page because she doesn't want it to be over...that's kind of how I feel about this book.

Upcoming challenges: I'm finally going to finish challenge #14, read a book by an author with an upcoming event and attend the event. Anna Kang has a virtual event coming up next Friday with Scholastic, so I'll be reading her newest book, Eraser, and watching that event. Woohoo! At last! And for challenge #22, read a manga or manhwa, I'll be reading Young Miss Holmes, which was SHOCKINGLY hard to find, but find it I did.

Can't believe I'm already almost done with my Read Harder for the year. Wild.

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