Friday, July 15, 2022

July Reading Challenge Update

Why are so many of the books on my Read Harder list on wait lists at the library right now? Is everyone reading the same Read Harder books that I am? People! Stop copying my list, or I'll never finish!

Ok, fine, people probably aren't copying my list, I clearly just have excellent taste in books, so all my picks are heckin popular. 😉

Thankfully, one of the apps my library uses is newish to the system so not as many people use it, which means I've only got like a two week wait for one book, AND I was able to borrow two of my challenge picks. Woo!

Pick one is for challenge #8: Read a classic written by a POC. I chose Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin because HOW HAVE I NEVER READ JAMES BALDWIN?! (Racism, that's how. I mean, I read Heart of Darkness three times in various AP and college classes, but not a single professor put Baldwin on their reading list? Come on.) I am very excited to get into this.

Pick two is for challenge #10: Read a political thriller by a marginalized author. I'm going with While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams. Life is basically a political thriller right now, so this might end up feeling a little bit like realistic fiction. 🤣😭Seriously, though, I'm looking forward to reading it. And who knows, maybe I'll even write actual reviews for these two! If not, there will at least be a brief reaction to them in a "what I'm reading now" post, I'm sure.


  1. I have While Justice Sleeps on my "want to order/read" list! Hopefully you like it and then I'll know if I should get it.

    1. I might need to get a physical copy instead of an ebook, it's interesting but it's proving challenging for me to get into it as a digital read.
