Saturday, July 9, 2022

What I'm Reading: Summer Break Edition

It's summer break, and that means so much time for reading!

Haha just kidding, I've been doing pretty much the same amount of reading as I was doing before. Too many things competing for my attention! BUT...definitely not because I was in the middle of a D&D session and realized I never prepped the blog post I had planned to post yesterday, and then I was scrambling a little, since I had a D&D session to run today and needed to pack for a trip...I can still give a little update re: what I am reading/what I finished reading since my last what I'm reading post. Woo! First up, finished reading:

1. The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna - SO GOOD, such suspense! AHHHHH! 

2. Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness - Meh. I am not convinced a woman wrote this trilogy, this is a pen name. There are so many weird things, like a reference when the pregnant main character is boning down with her husband and she thinks about how with him inside her it's the physically closest she, husband, and baby will ever be. Like. What. Anyway, I'm taking a little breather before I start the final book in the trilogy. I want to finish it, but also yeesh.

Next up, still reading:

1. The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk 

Working my way slowly through this one. I'm about a third of the way through thus far, and it's interesting but at the same time I feel like there are probably better books on trauma out there.

2. A Nature Poem for Every Day of the Year compiled by Jane McMorland Hunter

There were two poems within days of each other named The Kingfisher which...interesting choice, I guess. Probably could have separated them a little more so it wasn't so obvious.

3. Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World by Benjamin Alire Saenz

Two-thirds of the way through now, and I feel like it's really hitting its stride...which, look back at what I had to say a month ago. This book could be shorter, y'all. That said, it is hitting me in some major feels right now. I've cried like the last three or four times I've read it. Oof.

4. Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare

Still buddy reading, still loving it, still want to punch anyone who fucks with Ty straight in the baby maker.

And reads!

1. Black Boy Joy, edited by Kwame Mbalia

This has been on my list to read basically since I first heard it was going to be published, and it's one of the books on my list for the Read Harder challenge this year. I finally got it from the library, and I looooooove iiiiiiiiiiiiiit! It's an anthology of short stories, and there's a blend of genres. It's such a delight, reading a realistic fiction and then a little sci-fi and then something else...there was one story that was literally just about getting your outfit ready for the first day of school, and I was SO into it. I just...I love it. As the title suggests, such a joy.

2. The Merciless Ones by Namina Forna

Book two in the Deathless series, baby, here we are! I'm so tense reading this. SO TENSE. I'm trying to take it slow because it's our book club read this month, and I always feel like it's such a drag when I finish our book early in the month and then am not chiming in much because I start to forget specifics. That said...I just packed it to take on the plane tomorrow to go visit my husband's dad, so we'll see what happens. I need to know what happens.

3. Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

Alright, I've read this before, and I adore it, but I'm recording it for my sister to listen to, so I'm reading it again, and ooooooh, I'm spotting some things I didn't notice before! I've had the second book in this series waiting to read for a long time, so I'm excited to finish this one (it'll take a while, reading it out loud, but whatevs) and then get to the second one...the final book in the trilogy comes out in January, so I just need to finish the first two by then. Five months?! Tall order. 🤣

4. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin

I've never read Ursula Le Guin, and this came in one of my subscription boxes, so I was like alright, let's give this a shot! I don't know what to say about it. Like I feel like sometimes I'm like mmmmmmk let's get to the point...but then also I'm into it at the same time? It's different from my typical fantasy reads, but I want to know what happens next, so I guess let's call that a win?

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