Sunday, February 26, 2023

Read Harder - February Check-In

A Good Kind of Trouble and The Breakaways...February is middle grade month, y'all! I've got a review on the way for The Breakaways, so for now I'll just say it was solidly middle of the road for me. A Good Kind of Trouble was excellent...definitely a bit frustrating reading it as an adult and being like "please communicate, it would solve so many problems!" but also...vividly remember being in similar situations when I was that age, and that's just what it's like when you're that age! It was a great read, and I really enjoyed it.


March challenges, what are we getting ourselves into? Nothing good. We've got challenge #5: Read a completed webcomic and challenge #6: Finish a book you've DNFed. Which. I mean. Webcomic. Fine. I guess I can find a webcomic to read. I don't know if it's completed or even a cohesive story, but Joel has a book that's a compilation of a pretty funny webcomic series. To my shame, I can't remember the name of it right now, but it's got birds. What more could you ask for in a webcomic? (False Knees. That's the comic.)

Finishing a book I've DNFed, on the other hand...I don't DNF books lightly, so I'm not sure if this is a "read harder" challenge or a "force yourself to read something terrible" challenge. I'm gonna take a pass on that. So. Wow. Exciting update, I guess. I'll let you know how False Knees goes.


  1. Yeeeeeah. I feel like for people who DNF for more basic reasons that challenge would be good. But definitely not for people like you who rarely DNF.

    1. I need to not read my comment notifications while I'm at work. Classes come in before I can respond, and then I forget to. I could see if it was like "oh, I was having a hard time paying attention, so I stopped reading it" or something, but yeah, a DNF challenge to me seems like an iffy proposition. Push me to read out of my comfort zone or outside of what I typically gravitate toward, yes, but force me to read something I hated, nah.
