Sunday, March 3, 2024

A Rover's Story - Jasmine Warga

Initial Draw: ☆☆☆☆
Character Development: ☆☆☆

Plot/Writing Style: ☆☆☆
Overall: ⭐⭐⭐

From the cover:

"Meet Resilience, a Mars rover determined to live up to his name.

Res was built to explore Mars. He was not built to have human emotions. But as he learns new things from the NASA scientists who assemble him, he begins to develop human-like feelings. Maybe there's a problem with his programming...

Human emotions or not, launch day comes, and Res blasts off to Mars, accompanied by a friendly drone helicopter named Fly. But Res quickly discovers that Mars is a dangerous place filled with dust storms and giant cliffs. As he navigates Mars's difficult landscape, Res is tested in ways that go beyond space exploration.

As millions of people back on Earth follow his progress, will Res have the determination, courage - and resilience - to succeed...and survive?"


If you had asked me if I thought a book about a Mars rover would make me cry, I would probably have scoffed, but cry at this book I did! It's a fairly quick read, mainly chapters from Resilience's point of view, but interspersed with letters written to Resilience from the daughter of one of the scientists working on Res's programming. And it is just so, so good. Seeing Resilience learn and gradually start to make their own choices, Fly's enthusiasm and was so sweet and inspiring. And the daughter's letters were so heartwarming and sometimes so sad. Gah. Never in a million years would I have predicted this book making me feel so many things.

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