Friday, October 14, 2022

What am I even reading right now?

I can't keep track, somebody help me.

Okay, fine, I know what I'm reading, but also every book I lay eyes on right now sounds so good. So then I'm like "hey, why not start reading another one? It's probably fine!" So then I end up reading a thousand books at the same time and finishing none of them. We've all been there, right? I did a pretty good job finishing several books during Fall Break, at least, that's something. And the day before I went back to work I realized I had checked out Attack of the Black Rectangles by A.S. King from work and forgotten about it, so I read that in one sitting (so good!).

My top books right now and take on them so far:

1. The Night & Its Moon by Piper CJ - I had a pretty good read on what to expect from this before I started it, and reality is coming pretty close to expectation. I find the writing a little overly wordy and flowery, but I'm still enjoying the story, although I wish it were faster paced.

2. Maus by Art Spiegelman - I mean...what do you even say about this book? Everyone should read it. 

3. Powers and Thrones: A New History of the Middle Ages - This is a fucking TOME, but it's very informative and an interesting read!

Add to my already impossible to finish TBR list! What are you reading right now?

1 comment:

  1. I'm catching up on reading blog posts, but I just finished We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds which I thought was very good (though TW: trauma, murder). And I'm going to start Fight Like A Girl by Sheena Kamal next.
