Sunday, July 28, 2024

Reading Harder in July

The main thing I wanted to do during summer break was climb, climb, climb as many days a week as I could. I started off really strong, and then immediately got hurt...and then got hurt again...and then got hurt again...and then got hurt again...sooooo yeah, didn't get to climb anywhere NEAR as much as I wanted to, but I guess silver lining, all that not being able to climb meant lots of being able to read time. I finished Apple: Skin to the Core, which was great, as well as The Bennett Women (review to come) and Can You Believe It, which is an excellent resource for teaching kids about how to spot fake information and will be added to my library next week when I go back to work.

Well, five months to go, eight books left to read. For August, I was planning to read 50 Drag Queens Who Changed the World by Dan Jones (#18: Read a book about drag or queer artistry), but the only place I could find it to buy was Amazon, so I started looking at other options, and what the fuck, y'all, I've checked FOUR books, and the only one that I could find at my local book store costs FIFTY DOLLARS. Bogus. Do better, publishing industry. Should have been easier to choose a book, especially now that I have multiple options to try and choose from, but of the four I was looking at there's the $50 option, my first choice that is only on Amazon, one that I couldn't find available anywhere, and finally one that the only place I could find it was Half-Priced Books. Sigh. 

tl:dr After much deliberation and skimming of reviews, I've decided to choose The Art of Drag by Jake Hall for this challenge.

I also chose Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert for challenge #19: Read a romance with neurodivergent characters. Last time I chose a book for a similar prompt it was The Kiss Quotient, which was not a great experience. Sidenote, I was shocked when I went back to grab the link for that review and saw that overall I gave it three stars. Past Dewey, what were you thinking? That book was two stars, for sure. Should I do a thing where I go back and re-review previously reviewed books to see if my opinion has changed?

Anyway, I've read a Talia Hibbert book before and found it pleasant (hey, I also reviewed this one! Get a Life, Chloe Brown), if a little unexpectedly spicy, so I went into this one with a good feeling, especially being prepared to expect some spice. Which ended up being an unnecessary preparation, because this book had none.🤣 (Also, yeah, already finished it...I checked it out from my library's digital collection and couldn't put it down).

So...yeah, Art of Drag, let's do this!

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