Sunday, June 6, 2021

Challenge update - Going into month six!


I completely forgot to read my challenge books for May. I can't believe it! I realized it a couple days prior to the end of the month and started desperately reading Chirp in an attempt to catch up, but yyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaah. I am officially very much behind. Even so! I am soldiering on with my June picks and looking forward to reading both of them (although, admittedly, possibly not reading both of them in June). This month's challenges/picks:

For this challenge, I chose Notes from a Young Black Chef by Kwame Onwuachi. I was really glad that my local library had a copy of this, because something I discovered when looking for options was how shockingly few of the recommendations I could find were available at the library. Fortunately, my library has an option on their website to recommend additions to the collection, and I wanted to bring that up in case any readers out there were unaware that their library probably has a similar option. 

Y'all. If your library does not have a book in their collection that you think they should have? A. Check their website. They probably have something set up for submitting recommendations. If they don't? B. Contact them by email or telegram or WHATEVER and let them know that you think they should purchase a copy! Depending on their budget, availability, and vendor agreements they may or may not actually be able to add it, but...library collections are developed by human beings, and usually a pretty small number of human beings, so trust...they will appreciate your recommendations.

Anyway, back to the challenge.

I went with Sway: Unravelling Unconscious Bias by Pragya Agarwal, because this is something I am super interested in working on in myself. There were so many intriguing options for this one, though, so maybe I'll end up expanding my horizons and taking on investigative non-fiction as a new favorite genre! I guess only time will tell.

What would you choose to read for each of these prompts?

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