Sunday, April 11, 2021

B&B - Fangirling over pumpkin mocha breve

Well, I included Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell on my puppies and coffee Tuesday Book Recs list in March, and then I couldn't get it out of my brain. I was on some crummy meds for a bit, and both taking them and coming off of them ended up being a challenging journey, so I decided to do another Fangirl reread while I was laying around on the couch "on standby for feeling better," as my husband put it. And if I'm going to do a reread, why not also attempt making Levi's pumpkin mocha breve?  Disclaimer: I am NOT skilled when it comes to making coffee drinks. I can use a French press, I can somewhat pull off a cappuccino, but the skills end there. I managed to find three recipes, though, and I tested them all to ensure I was drinking the best version of Levi's signature concoction possible, within my limited skillset.

Photo collage with a top image of three coffee mugs filled with pumpkin mocha breve and two smaller images of ingredients

So, recipes! First off, we have an espresso-based drink modified from I brewed a double shot of espresso, combined it with one tablespoon of cocoa powder, one tablespoon pumpkin puree, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and sugar, and then added steamed milk. This option was...ok. It was not as sweet as the others, so if you're not a fan of sweet coffee drinks but looking for something with a little flavor, it might be a good option. My biggest issue was that the spices didn't want to fully incorporate, so it was a tiny bit gritty. I take full blame for that. 😂

Next up is a chai-based option inspired by a Starbucks version shared on I do not have access to a Starbucks or any of their resources, so I had to improvise. I used a masala chai concentrate as a base, heated it up on the stove, and combined it with a spoonful of pumpkin puree, some pumpkin spice, and chocolate sauce. Fill a mug a little less than halfway with this concoction, then add steamed milk. Fair warning, this option is super sweet, and (shocker) very chai-y. Tasty, though!

And finally, a combination chai/espresso courtesy of I included a spoonful of pumpkin puree along with the spices and such, and I omitted the whipped cream and sprinkling of cinnamon and cocoa powder, but otherwise I followed their recipe. This one was good but very chocolatey. If you're not looking for as much chocolate, you can dial the cocoa powder back a bit, or if you're doing what I did and taste-testing multiple recipes, you can top off the chai-based drink above with some of this for the perfect combination. 

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